Transport for London hereby gives notice!
The notice also refers to the A200, St Thomas Street, as a GLA Road.
Notice category: TransportNotice type: Road Traffic ActsPublication date: 17 April 2014
Edition: The London Gazette
Notice ID:2111082
Notice code:1501
Issue number:60846
Page number:8028
Share Transport for London
1 Transport for London hereby gives notice that on 14th April 2014 it made the above named Experimental Order under sections 9 and 10 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The Order will come into force on 25th April 2014 and may remain in force for up to 18 months.
2 The road affected by the Order is A200 St Thomas Street in the London Borough of Southwark.
3 The general nature and effect of the Order is to:
a Relocate the existing Loading Bay outside No.8 St. Thomas Street 11 metres north-westwards;
b Relocate the existing Borough controlled bay outside Nos. 20 - 26 St. Thomas Street 35 metres north-westwards;
c Introduce a 18 metre parking bay on the northeast side of St. Thomas Street 71 metres northwest of Weston Street with the hours of operation ‘No stopping at any time, 2 mins pick up and set down’;
d Introduce a 12 metre parking bay on the northeast side of St. Thomas Street 27 metres southeast of Nos. 21-27 with the hours of operation ‘No stopping at any time, 2 mins pick up and set down’;
e Introduce a 24 metre licensed taxi bay on the northeast side of St. Thomas Street opposite Nos. 24-26 with the hours of operation ‘No stopping at any time except taxi cabs at authorised times’;
f Introduce 28 metres of double red lines, ‘No stopping at any time’ outside No.19 St Thomas Street;
g Introduce 46 metres of double red lines, ‘No stopping at any time’ opposite Nos. 11-19 St Thomas Street.
4 Where it appears necessary for certain purposes, Transport for London or any person authorised by them may modify or suspend the Order or any provisions in it, while the Order is in force.
5 In due course Transport for London will be considering whether or not the provisions of the Order should be continued in force indefinitely. If the Order is subsequently varied by another Order or modified, from the coming into force of that variation or modification (whichever is the latest), any such objection should be made in writing, giving the grounds on which it is made, and sent to Transport for London, Streets Traffic Order Team, Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ quoting reference RSM/STOT/TRO, GLA/2014/0245 Any objection may be communicated to other persons who may be affected.
6 A copy of the Order, a statement of Transport for London’s reasons for the proposals and for proceeding by way of experiment, a map indicating the location and effect of the Order and copies of any Order revoked suspended or varied by the Order can be inspected during normal office hours at the offices of:
• Transport for London, Streets Traffic Order Team (RSM/PI/STOT) Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road London, SE1 8NJ
• Southwark Council Public Realm Projects, 160 Tooley Street London SE1 2QH
(Please e-mail: to arrange an appointment)
7 The documents referred to in paragraph 6 will be available for inspection during the period within which objection can be made in accordance with paragraph 5 above.
8 Any person wishing to question the validity of the Order or of any of its provisions on the grounds that they are not within the relevant powers conferred by the Act or that any requirement of the Act has not been complied with, that person may, within six weeks from the date on which the Order is made, make application for the purpose to the High Court.
Dated this 17th day of April 2014
Mark Beasley
Head of Planned Interventions, Transport for London
Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ
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